Artistic- production center of Irina Shtokolova.
Art-agency of the theater workshop “ Virazh”
Are you in need of fresh ideas , bold and original decisions , professional skills and experience gift?
Then lets make friends and work together!
Tel/ fax (007) (095) 181-52-86, 506-65-55, 105-95-10, 403-42-07
Moscow , Selskokhosyaystvenaya str. 24, ( M. Botanicheskiy sad )
The theater workshop was set up in 1997.
We organize and conduct various entertaining programs , large-scale events and advertising campaigns.
As well as:
- Development of the author’s scripts.
- Original advertising of goods and services.
- Special decoration with the balloons and flowers.
- Aero construction and fireworks.
- Show programs , festivals, presentations, wedding parties, jubilees , parties, family holidays and holidays for children.
- There is a big data bank of actors of various genre and style
at our disposal.
- Organize guest-performances and tours in Russia and abroad
( Germany, Italy, Switzerland and others.)
- Organize entertaining programs for sea cruises and for hotels.